Monday, November 24, 2014

A letter to a lost love.

"My love is like a star; by time you notice it, I'm long gone."

Our love from the start was like a fire
We made everyone around us Jealous
They looked up to us
Wanted a love like ours
 Our love couldn't be broken
Somewhere down the line, what we thought would never break broke
As hard as we tried to fight, one fought harder than the other
We said things, did things and blamed one another
The laughs stopped 
The fights begin
We didn't make love anymore
We fucked to make up
Somewhere down the road we fell out of love 
I'm sorry you took so long to appreciate my love for you
I'm sorry you thought you had to find yourself in someone else
while you left me alone and heartbroken
I spent years trying to win you back
After all this time fighting, I gave up 
I realized I deserve more, better, that love we once had 
I didn't go looking; but I found that in someone else
They make me feel the way you used to, but stronger 
I look forward to the laughs we share
The moments when we are naked with each other 
Not skin naked but naked with our souls
Those moments where we are so close we wonder how we ever lived without each other 
They make me feel a way I can't explain 
I Just know that I love that I can be myself
I always had to change for you, 
I was never good enough for you
When you tried to make me change 
I became stuck in this dark hole
I was trying to climb out 
you would knock me back down
You held my head under water 
I was gasping for air 
I don't feel like that anymore
I can breathe
I love
I shine
I am starting to truly love myself
I'm not afraid
Although I miss you
I wanted to say thank you
Thank you for being in my life for the last 7 years
Thank you for showing me there was more than the life I once lived
Thank you for believing in everyone of my dreams
More than anything thank you for showing me who I am and what I want with my life
Thank you for teaching me what I want and don't want in a lover
Thank you for giving me this chance to not regret you
Because I don't regret one moment spent with you
I hope for nothing but the best for you
I hope we can run into each other down the road and smile 
Until that time, I'm going to continue to live with no regrets and travel, follow my dreams 
Love with a fire so strong 
It sparks a flame so big it sets the world on fire!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Self Worth

Sam: Why do I and everyone I love pick people who treat us like we're nothing?
Charlie: We accept the love we think we deserve.
- Perks of Being A Wallflower

I've been thinking a lot lately about self worth, and how many of us settle for less than we deserve. Two years ago, I broke up with the person I thought and still think I will spend the rest of my life with. It’s been almost seven years that we would have still been together. In that seven years we learned so much about each other and ourselves. We went through hell and back and supported each other during our struggles and encouraged one another when we wanted to give up or didn't believe in ourselves. Just like any other couple that loves each other something become too much in our lives and we need time apart in that type of way. we still remain the greatest of friends till this day. We broke up for many reasons, It was a mutual agreement knowing one day we would probably get back together. I broke up with him because of all the arguing and many other things. He tells me still to this day that we broke up because I needed to grow up and learn to love myself or nobody will.
            Over these last two years, I have been changing drastically and growing and learning to love myself in ways I never thought I could. I have more confidence in a professional way, I try my hardest to keep up my GPA, I stand by what I’m passionate about and never let anyone talk me down from it. I tell myself every day that if I’m having a bad day its okay because everyone has bad days and tomorrow is a new day to start over. Spiritually I can feel a change, I believe more in myself, in the reason why I was put on this earth and more than anything I am able to look in the mirror and tell myself that I am beautiful inside and out.
            During this journey I have realized a lot of things in my life, one of the most important is choose wisely whom you give your time to. I watch many people and loved ones spend their time with the wrong person. A person who disrespects them, mentally, physically and emotionally and then continues to spend their time that’s not guaranteed tomorrow with that person.
            I ask myself why someone would want to do that to themselves, and the only thing I can go back to is Its what they think they deserve. In all reality it is the complete opposite. The thing is when you're in a relationship, whither it’s a friendship or your dating someone or even married couples have this probably. At the beginning this person seems to be an amazing person, someone new to talk to, to do new things with. You may have common interest that attracts you to this person, or it’s the way they make you feel when you are around them. In some cases that changes, people become comfortable with you and start to show you their true self and it may not be the person you thought they were.
Why do people stay after all the disrespect? In my opinion I think it’s a couple of reasons 1. They invested so much time into getting to know them. 2. They think they can fix them. Or 3. Because this person has talk so badly about them they start to believe they can’t do any better.  You start to feel stuck, and begin to get depressed and the light you once had starts to fade and all your goals and dreams and hopes you had for yourself start to feel less realistic. You start to believe the worst of yourself, not caring about your future or if you live or die and just sleep your life way because it’s easier to avoid the pain then to run at it head on.
            It’s so hard to watch the people I care so much about settle for less. To remain in a relationship when they know they deserve best. The person I love with every part of me is now getting the life sucked out of him and it kills me knowing there is nothing I can do about it but sit and watch. In hopes that one day he wakes up and realizes what an amazing man he truly is, I hope he finds himself again and the light he once had and makes everyone of his dreams come true. He just has to get rid of all the negativity and let the light in again.
I care deeply for the people around me and hate to see them go through what I have for the last 26 years of my life.  But the truth is, nobody can change your life but you and there is no better time than now. I hate that I wasted so much time crying over my past when it took up the time I could have used to make a better future for myself. I hope you all learn from my mistakes and treat each day as its your last, take care of yourself and never let anyone put you down even if its your friend, significant other or family member.  You are a special person no matter what anybody says and you were put on this earth for a reason. Don't spend your time with people that don’t see that or support you and your dreams and help you get through your struggles. These are the things that test a relationship and if its going to last. If they can't be there though all the bad times they sure don't deserve to be there when you are on the top!
So go out there and be the best person you can be, and don't forget to let the RIGHT people in your life and kick out the toxic ones. It will be hard especially if you invested so much of your time on them but it will be with it in the long run!


“Just because someone desires you, does not mean that they value you.” 

—  Boonaa Mohamme

Colbie Caillate- Try

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

15 Things I've Learned So Far At My Internship!

The Things I've Learned So Far At My Internship! 

For the last two weeks I've been super busy at my internship. I am a cook at Agave Mexican Bistro located in Newburyport, MA. As this is required for me to graduate next year, I tried to get an internship in a bakery because well I want to be a baking/ pastry chef. Nobody was hiring in bakeries in my area so I had to settle for a restaurant, I was so afraid to be a cook and disappointed I couldn't be in a bakery I thought I was going to hate it. I am in my second week there and I really enjoy it, and have already learned so much. The head Chef told me that he was willing to give me the opportunity because his mother was a baker and he knew how hard it is to get someone to give you a chance. His name is Sean, I asked him if he went to school for this and he said no, He’s grown up with a family that ran restaurants and taught himself how to cook. He told me that you don't have to go to school to be a cook but where I'm going to be a baker that its probably a good thing that I’m going to school for it. He gave me some great advice and told me to try and be a cook in many different places so I can get as much experience as I can, it will help build my skills. Over all everyone has been very nice and willing to teach me, which I am relieved about.

Here is a list of things that I have learned so far!

1. How to fan an avocado. 
2. We go through so much Chihuahua Mexico Cheese.
3. Its amazing how many people order Nachos that are the size of a mountain! 
4. I never thought I would hate shrimp more than I already did, but its possible. 
5. There is nothing special about the chips I was obsessed with, they are just amazing! 
6. Its amazing how much food we can make out of the small kitchen we have. 
7. People spend a lot of money for guacamole. 
8. We use Avocados for almost everything! 
9. I learned how to make taco shells. 
10. You don't realize how much you learned in class until you have to apply it to a real life situation. 
11. When you learn that your knife skills aren't as bad as you thought! 
12. Brazilians sing while they work, all together. 
13. Churros are delicious! 
14. How to make many different tacos, salads, desserts, nachos, guacamole, enchiladas, and more! 

Thats just some of the things i've learned so far!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

To Love Is To Feel.

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal.” ~ C.S. Lewis.

I have been meditating a lot about love, and how we learn what love is along with what we expect to get out of it. When we were younger we learned what love was from either our parents or mostly fairytales. If you came from a broken home most likely you fought with the idea of there is no such thing as love. If you had both your parents growing up, you would never settle for anything less than what they have.

I think growing up with different ideas in our heads about what love is, and learning from what we see has a huge impact on what we expect when we think we found love. In fairytales it's always the prince that saves the princess. That tells us growing up that we need a man to take care of us, there is no way we could ever survive without him then we will live happily ever after. But that infact is not how true love is, there is a reason why its called a fairytale its not realistic. 

Loving someone is hard work, you have to fight for it everyday. You have to not only worry about yourself but about the other person. True love can be the worst and best thing thats ever happend to you, when you're in the moment ( honeymoon stage ) when you're just learning about each other and everything is new it's like there's nobody around you, it's just the both of you. You can't wait to be in eachothers arms once more, you just want to spend every moment with them and never leave their side. Everyday is like a new adventure with new possibilities. 

As time passes things get tougher, you start to get on each others nerves, and everything that seems so perfect starts to become well not so perfect.. You start to pick out flaws in how they act from day to day things, to how they treat you or speak to you. Then the arguing starts, don't get me wrong arguing is better than not arguing at least if you argue your working things out and not keeping it in. 

In the moment of being angry, you decide to break it off because you can't take the fighting anymore. The moment you said the words "its over" your heart starts to speed up,  you have trouble breathing and you feel like your entire world comes crashing down. Everything you loved and worked so hard to hold onto just shatters in front of you. 

As the years pass you still try to remain friends with them hoping that your stupid mistake of saying those two words that shattered your world would be put back together. Then a year goes by, you see eachother everyday like nothing changed, you lie to the people around you and refuse to let them know that you're not together anymore. Then another year goes by, you start to get aggravated that you having fixed the shattered mess yet, Then they start talking to someone else trying to get over you, it rips your heart apart even more, so you do the unthinkable and try and see someone else too. Just so you dont have to feel the pain you're feeling inside. When infact that choice was probably just another huge mistake, you replay it in your head how it happened how things could have been different, you start to over think and all these horrible feelings about yourself come rushing towards you and it you in the face to the point where you just want to end it all. 

As time goes on you can't snap out of the depression of the loss of the greatest thing thats ever happend to you. The one thing thats ever given you hope in love, the pain hits you like a ton of bricks and day after day year after year you contemplate if your worth it for anyone. Should you even live anymore, would anyone really miss you? Probably not.. 

As time goes on you struggle with the idea of giving up on the love you once had or continue to kill yourself fighting for it because the thought of not having that person in your life at all is worse than not having them the way you used to have them. 

You know you are in love when you see that person, when they touch you; your heart starts to race. When you look in their eyes you can see their hopes, dreams, weaknesses, strengths, and fears. When you know their faults and want to help them through them and not bring them down for it. When you see them struggle not only educationally or financially but with themselves and who they are, all you want to do is help lift them up. When you let them know they may not believe they are good enough, but you know they are. When you would be proud to call them your childs father. Love, True love is about standing by someone 110% and loving them no matter what the good and the bad and although they may want to give up on themselves you won't let them. Youre right there by there side pushing them back to the top. Because you know that they are worth it, your love for eachother is worth it. 

If anyone asks me why I hold on, I tell them because I may not have them the way I want them right now, but I know our love with survive in the end through the good and bad, we will always be standing side by side. After all you can't break a connection as strong as true love. 

I believe in us and our love, and I will until the day I die. Nothing could truly tear us apart, we may go our own ways for a while but destiny will bring us back to each other. The only truth in a fairytale is giving us hope, for a happy ending but you have to work for it, its not just given to you. 

And hell if it doesn't work out in the end, At least I can say I know what love felt like. It hurt like hell but at least I got to feel it. Thats something nobody could ever take from me! 

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Rain is Pouring Down.

When I was little I used to ask my mother why It was raining. She would go on to tell me that God is crying for us, I never understood until now. 

When I was a little girl I would ask my mother silly questions all the time to drive her nuts, just like any other child. It must have been a long rainy spring and all I wanted was the sun to come back out. I asked her why it was raining, thats when she told me when she was little Nana used to tell her it was because God was crying for us. As a child you thought well okay.... why.. 

As time went on I started to see a pattern with the weather, although my moods change with the weather and knowing I live with seasonal depression I started to really think about what I was told. Without a doubt every time I was having a really bad day and couldn't stop crying the rain would start pouring down. When I started to stop the rain would slowly slow down as the tears slowly started to slow down. 

This has happened my entire life, I have always enjoyed thunderstorms. Most people think I am crazy wishing for thunderstorms, but I get a calming feeling from them. I think its because most of the time I wish for them at that moment I am extremely angry.  Have you ever been so angry you smashed a glass or put your fist through something, or for anyone that has ever cut themselves, that calming feeling of relief and the anger that is released. Thats how I feel during a thunderstorm when the rumbling sound the lightning makes when it hits something. 

I'm suffering from Anxiety and depression it feels like its taking over my life, I'm struggling everyday to get up in the morning just to do everyday things like going to class and being able to be productive. Everyday things that should be a walk in the park. Then I start to think about all those people out there that can't even get an education or don't have a roof over their heads or struggle to feed themselves and it makes me feel like an even worse person to even be sad when I am able to do all the things some can't. I've fought my entire life to get where I am and It sometimes feels like its not enough. 

I ask myself why am I still not happy... I remember when my biggest worries were how I was going to keep a roof over my head and how I was going to feed myself next. I don't have to worry about that now.. Why do I still get sad.. Why is it still hard for me to get out of bed to do the one thing I enjoy doing the most, baking or even cooking.. 

It kills me everyday to find myself telling myself or people I love, how much I hate everything and maybe I'm not good enough for them, this major, this school, my job, someone to love me, or even to be alive. This is real sadness and pain when you get so sad and depressed from your own thoughts, and as much as you try to forget them and tell yourself its not true something always seems to remind you or make you think that all those negative thoughts are true. Its an endless battle, between what people see me as and how I feel inside. I would give anything to be able to see the person the people around me see, and not only see it but feel it! I would give anything to be able to see the light, to take this pain away. 

This feels like an endless battle that will never end, but as low as I may feel the feeling of hope and knowing I will change someones life is stronger. As my best friend keeps reminding me "Summer is just around the corner, you will start to feel better once the sun comes out more." Although I know this is true, it just seems like its forever away. But for now God will be crying with me, until I see that light that everyone sees in me.

If you know anyone that feels this way, don't push them away. Let them know you care, most of the time you don't even need to talk just sit there in silence with them, sometimes that makes all the difference. Let them know they aren't alone!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Last Shimmer Of Hope.

This is the Real me. 

Many of you that may think you know me think that i'm this happy girl that is always smiling and laughing,but you the truth is you don't know me at all. But the ones that get to see the real me, know my broken self hating girl that is trying to find herself. Many of you who think you know me don't. I can count on one hand on how many people I have let see the happy the sad good and bad, the self destructive, self loathing, depressed girl I am deep down inside. But you see they also get to see my hopes, dreams, and my heart that gives with no expectati

My dreams to make a difference, trust me I'm no fool I know you have to change yourself before you can change the world. But something I've come to realize is that sometimes the world can change you, sometimes for the good and sometimes it breaks you down, with only a little shimmer of hope to lift you back up.

I have and am going through more than most of you know, I am fighting for what I deserve and have always wanted! With many sacrifices along the way, and choices I never thought I would have to make.

I am fighting for not only better than what I was given, but for my children and for the future generations that has felt and will feel the same way I have. So they know that although you may feel like you're drowning trying to reach for one last breath, to fight for that shimmer of hope because sometimes its that last breath that pushes you back to the top, to try again.

There is a reason I have been obsessed with BeyoncĂ©'s new album, her whole album is amazing, but these two songs really hit home. Fight for what you want. Fight until you your dreams become reality. It will all be worth it in the end. That is what I intend to do!

I'm not saying this for all of you to feel bad for me, I don't need the pity, I say this for the many young boys and girls that are struggling with the same things. and to let you know DON'T GIVE UP, hold on just a little longer and continue to fight. You will come out in the end stronger than you ever thought you would!

A good friend of Mine told me
"It's okay to fail, you learn from failure" - Michele Haughton

Beyoncè- Self-Titled, Part 2.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A New Year, A New Blog.

This is going to be a blog of my hopes, dreams, thoughts, failures, goals and all things that may run though my mind. 

To start off the year I thought I would start with 

My Bucket List Of My Life! 

1. Get my license by March 1st, 2014
2. Save 1,000 for a Car. 
3. Save 2,000 to go to Africa. 
4. Put away at least $10 a week. 
5. Go to India, and meet a Monk.
6. Go to Italy and enjoy the food. 
7. Help Rebuild Houses. 
8. Name A star. 
9. Find a Sushi I like. 
10. Find a wine I enjoy. 
11. Make healthier choices. 
12. Workout at least 3 times a week. 
13. Move to another country. 
14. Throw a dart at a map and go wherever it lands. 
15. Finish a book and enjoy it. 
16. Love my body. 
17. Put Mentos in a bottle of coke. 
18. Donate my hair. 
19. Go on a road trip though the U.S. 
20. Stop caring what anyone thinks. 
21. Go skinny dipping in a waterfall. 
22. Go on a hot air balloon. 
23. Make Youtube Videos. 
24. Learn how to write poetry. 
25. Conquer a Fear. 
26. Watch the sunrise. 
27. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower. 
28. Spend New Years Eve in Time Square. 
29. Grow old with the one I love. 
30. Get a 4.0 GPA
31. Meet and Take care of an elephant. 
32. Hold a Sloth. 
33. Learn how to play an instrument. 
32. Get a Real Henna Tattoo.
33. Get an Elephant Tattoo.
34. See the Northern Lights.
35. Open a Bakery.
36. Go hiking.
37. Go paintballing.
38. Drink more tea.
39. Swim with an orca whale.
40. Build a dream house. 
41. Go to Disney. 
42. Get a Husky. 
43. Go on a Gondola.
44. Be a guest on Ellen. 
45. Keep learning something new until the day I die. 
46. Get Married. 
47. Have Beautiful Healthy kids. 
48. Believe in myself. 
49. Travel Somewhere new each year. 
50. Go to London, Vietnam, Rio, Mexico, Rome, Paris, Fiji, Sydney, Athens, Venice, Vagas, New York, Africa, Ireland, Iceland, India, Canada, Barbados, Cuba, and so many other places.